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Irvine, Calif. – Monster Energy Kawasaki’s Ryan Villopoto is recouping after fruitful surgery to ‘set and balance out’ his broken right leg. He will probably require an extra surgery when the swelling dies down. The deplorable damage happened when Villopoto smashed while driving the St. Louis supercross occasion.

“This is tragic for both Ryan and the group,” said Monster Energy Kawasaki Team Manager Mike Fisher. “RV was going for the title and riding extremely well. It’s a disgrace this happened on the grounds that Ryan has demonstrated so much flexibility this season while endeavoring to achieve his first supercross title. I know Ryan will do all that he can to get back as quickly as time permits.”

Villopoto will stay in the healing center in St. Louis until the point that he can head out back to California. He needs to thank every one of his fans for their considerations, petitions, and support amid this intense time.