This previous end of the week at Anaheim II, Daniel Blair smashed amid his first practice session of the Monster Energy AMA Supercross. Blair was in great spirits when we went by him Saturday night after the race, yet he endured some critical wounds. Daniel cracked his femur, L4 and L5 vertebrae. Daniel had a fruitful surgery on his leg, however they are as yet weighing out their choices for surgery on his back.
Daniel will be confined to bed for a month and a half, and his significant other, Maggie, will
need to deal with him and their 10-month old child, so they will have no source
of salary amid that time.
A paypal account has been set up to help Daniel and his family. In the event that you are in a position to give, please got to https://www.paypal.com/cgi-receptacle/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=9J6FDX2RBBZZQ
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