For the first time ever, rational soundness came back to what has been an insane and emotional Monster Energy Supercross visit, as James Stewart looked at and traveled to his fourth win of the season—and his first since the distance back at Anaheim 2—finishing the longest losing streak in his SX Class Career. Ryan Dungey took second in front of Ryan Villopto, Chad Reed and Trey Canard.
This race didn’t highlight the insane dramatization of the most recent two months, as Stewart made short work of holeshooter Ivan Tedeco and Dungey to lead the pack and the win. Dungey managed weight from Reed early, shook it off, at that point Reed was under assault from Villopoto when he arrived on a tuff shut that had been kicked out onto the track. Villopoto got around him, yet couldn’t close the hole to Dungey. Canard had an unpleasant begin and almost got Reed, yet Reed hung extreme for fourth.
In the Lites class, Justin Barcia cut past Blake Baggett in the second corner to take the early lead. Ryan Sipes passed Baggett too and ran near Barcia, leading the pack at a certain point, however Barcia got him ideal back, settled down, and began pulling without end. Baggett assaulted Sipes for second, yet couldn’t get around, and late in the race Sipes poured it on to take second. Senior member Wilson had an off night and completed fourth in front of Blake Wharton.
Search for a full race report, including photographs and focuses, later this evening here at RacerXOnline.com
1. J. Stewart
2. R. Dungey
3. R. Villopoto
4. C. Reed
5. T. Canard
6. K. Windham
7. D. Millsaps
8. I. Tedesco
9. A. Stroupe
10. A. Short
11. T. Hahn
12. C. Blose
13. N. Wey
14. K. Grand
15. M. Byrne
16. B. Kiniry
17. M. Alessi
18. T. Simmonds
19. F. Iziord
20. W. Peick
1. J Barcia
2. R. Sipes
3. B. Baggett
4. D .Wilson
5. B. Wharton
6. G. Audette
7. H. Hewitt
8. L. Vincent
9. L. Smith
10. T. Futrell
11. D. Durham
12. M. Lemoine
13. B. Swell
14. T. Brilliant
15. L. Kilbarger
15. R. Sipes
16.J. Sipes
17. H. Clements
18. K. McCabe
19. N. Myers
20. J. Anderson
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