Sea tempest MILLS, Tenn. – Day 3 of the 2010 AMA Amateur National Motocross Championship from Loretta Lynn’s Ranch created business as usual energizing activity as classes kept on finishing their second motos of rivalry. As the day’s activity was starting to arrive at a conclusion, Mother Nature assumed control as exuberant rain conveyed things to an end, finishing Day 3 somewhat early. With Friday upon us, the rain is as yet waiting, yet the riders are anxious to get retreat from the track and finish their second motos.
Day 3 Results
450 C – Moto 2
Cody Bristlin, Deer Park, Wash., Suzuki
Sean Baxley, Westminster, Md., Yamaha
Ricky Miller, Lexington, N.C., Honda
250 A/Pro Sport – Moto 2
Jason Anderson, Rio Rancho, N.M., Kawasaki
Jacob Hayes, Jamestown, N.C., Kawasaki
Ian Trettel, Silver Springs, Fla., Suzuki
Supermini 2 (13-16) – Moto 2
Jace Owen, Charleston, Ill., Suzuki
Dakota Alix, Jay, Vt., Suzuki
Cooper Webb, Newport, N.C., Honda
450 B Modified – Moto 2
Chris Plouffe, Castaic, Calif., Honda
Bryce Stewart, Canyon Lake, Calif., Suzuki
Dylan Cox, Whitesville, Ky., Kawasaki
85 (9-11) Modified – Moto 2
Check Worth, Queen Creek, Ariz., Kawasaki
Austin Forkner, Richards, Mo., Suzuki
Tristan Charbonneau, Tenino, Wash, Yamaha
Vet B/C 30 Plus – Moto 2
Stacey Virgin, El Cajon, Calif., Kawasaki
Robert Novak, Bridgehampton, N.Y., Honda
Steven Nagy, Port Orange, Fla., Suzuki
51 (7-8) AMA 2 Stock – Moto 2
Spear Kobusch, New Florence, Mo., Cobra
Stilez Robertson, Bakersfield, Calif., Cobra
Concede Doolittle, Newberry, S.C., Cobra
51 (4-6) AMA 1 Stock – Moto 2
Gage Linville, Cordele, Ga., Cobra
Vance Stiers, Alexandria, Ohio, Cobra
Robert Hailey III, North Las Vegas, Nev., Cobra
51 (4-6) Stock Multi-Speed – Moto 2
Dylan Varn, Plant City, Fla., Honda
Vincent Valente, Kissimmee, Fla., Honda
Cameron McInerney, Pittsfield, Mass., Honda
51 (4-6) Stock Shaft Drive – Moto 2
Gage Pfeiffer, Londonberry, Ohio, Yamaha
Minister Kozel, Harrisonburg, Va., Yamaha
Ryan Pruett, Greenville, S.C., Yamaha
250 C Stock – Moto 2
Colby Mullins, Canton, Ga., Kawasaki
Ryan Breece, Athol, Idaho, Yamaha
Jacob Grzebinski, Millington, Mich., Suzuki
Schoolboy 2 (13-16) B/C – Moto 2
Jeremy Martin, Millville, Minn., Suzuki
Jesse Wentland, Elk River, Minn., Yamaha
Joey Savagty, Thomasville, Ga., Suzuki
250 A – Moto 2
Ian Trettel, Silver Springs, Fla., Suzuki
Gannon Audette, Cairo, Ga., Suzuki
Zackery Freeberg, Clearwater, Fla., Kawasaki
250 B Stock – Moto 2
Jeremy Martin, Millville, Minn., Suzuki
Brad Frace, Weatherford, Texas, Kawasaki
Dillan Epstein, Agoura, Calif., Kawasaki
65 (7-9) Stock – Moto 2
Jordan Bailey, Orlando, Fla., KTM
Brock Papi, Canonsburg, Va., KTM
Spear Kobusch, New Florence, Mo., KTM
65 (10-11) Stock – Moto 2
Luke Purther, Oak Hills, Calif., KTM
Joey Crown, Metamora, Ill., KTM
Jake Pinhancos, Rochester, Mass., KTM
Ladies (14 Plus) – Moto 2
Alexah Pearson, Rocklin, Calif., Yamaha
Serratia Gonzalez, Ormond Beach, Fla., Honda
Marrissa Markelon, Trumbull, Conn., Kawasaki
85 (9-11) Stock – Moto 2
Check Worth, Queen Creek, Ariz., Kawasaki
Austin Forkner, Richards, Mo., Suzuki
Tristan Charbonneau, Tenino, Wash., Yamaha
To see video features of Thursday’s activity, go to to watch MX Sports Center, facilitated by Jason Weigandt and Kevin Kelly.
In spite of the rain, hustling proceeds at the 29th Annual AMA Amateur National Motocross Championship with an entire day of booked rivalry for Day 4. For proceeded with refreshes on everything going ahead at Loretta Lynn’s sign on to
AMA Amateur National Motocross Championships
Created by MX Sports, Inc., the AMA National Motocross Championships is the world’s biggest novice motocross race. Facilitated every year since 1982 at the home of blue grass music star Loretta Lynn in Hurricane Mills, Tenn., the occasion is the head beginner motocross race on the planet. Around 25,000 racers endeavor to qualify in 33 classes for the 1,386 accessible entryways at the finals. The National occasion, dedicated “The World’s Greatest Motocross Vacation”, is held the main seven day stretch of August every year. As verification of the importance of winning an AMA Amateur National Championship title, the vast majority of the present best motocross and Supercross stars, including Ricky Carmichael, James Stewart, and Ryan Villopoto, won titles at Loretta Lynn’s. For more data, please visit
About MX Sports
MX Sports, Inc. is a Morgantown, West Virginia-based motocross creation organization. The gathering arranges the AMA Amateur National Motocross Championships, which incorporates a national qualifying program comprising of 52 Area Qualifying races held every year from February through May and 12 Regional Championship races directed in June at select motocross offices the nation over. Under five percent of the Area Qualifier passages really fit the bill for the national title occasion, held amid the principal seven day stretch of August at the home of blue grass music star Loretta Lynn in Hurricane Mills, Tenn. For more data, please visit
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