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Chad Sanner from Eleven 10 Mods and Mark Ticen from Renegade Fuels will collaborate for the 2011 supercross and motocross season. Rebel Fuels will have another trackside semi fix that won’t just keep on building brand mindfulness for the fuel of decision with groups like GEICO Powersports and Star Yamaha, yet additionally house the group of Eleven 10 Mods.

Chad Sanner, proprietor of Eleven 10 Mods, was the person behind the motor program for Honda of Troy in 2010. Sanner has made the move to run his own group with Renegade Fuels dealing with the transportation needs of the group. Eleven 10 Mods and Renegade Fuels will have a nearness at all the East Coast Lites Supercross and Outdoor Nationals for 2011.

The riders for the group are as per the following: Darryn Durham will do the West Coast Supercross paving the way toward the East Coast Lites Supercross. Durham will then challenge the majority of the East Coast Lites Supercross plan alongside his colleague Brandon Mays. Durham and Mays will likewise contend in the Outdoor Nationals Lites class. It would appear that Double D will likewise ride the X Games.

Stamp Ticen expressed, “Eleven 10 Mods has demonstrated they fabricate exceedingly solid bicycles which makes them an incredible fit with Renegade Fuels as we keep on setting the standard in which all other fuel organizations endeavor to take after. We will make the additional stride for the group supports and will likewise have the truck at the Amateur National to pick up introduction for the greater part of the group supports on a whole separate level. The Amateur Nationals are an awesome showcasing stage for our backers and we will bolster some beginner kids also. We have marked on Daniel Baker to contend in the supermini classes on his new Eleven 10 Mods/Renegade Fuels controlled Honda 150. Cook has been under the radar with some best completes at the novice national level. Bread cook is preparing with Travis Preston on his new ride and will hope to demonstrate case his ability alongside the group at the Mini O’s in November. We may hope to include another best beginner rider for 2011 too.”

Genius Team supports keen on supporting the group on the Pro or potentially Amateur level can contact Chad Sanner at yot594@aol.com. Beginner riders inspired by help from Eleven 10 Mods/Renegade Fuels can contact Mark Ticen at mticen@valorllc.com. If you don’t mind stay tuned for more news refreshes from Eleven 10 Mods/Renegade Fuels.