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Murrieta, CA – KTM Motorsports is glad to report its 2014 Red Bull KTM Factory Team will comprise of a four-man line-up, including: Ryan Dungey, Ken Roczen, Marvin Musquin and newcomer Dean Ferris.

Dungey will come back to the group for his third season on board the KTM 450 SX-F Factory Edition cruiser. The bicycle was planned particularly for Dungey and will now likewise be utilized by other KTM bolster groups and additionally by his partner Roczen.

“One year from now’s opposition will be intense with a few youthful, quick and skilled riders entering the 450 class,” remarked Dungey. “The opposition is solid which drives all of us to venture up and ride quicker. This will be my third season with Red Bull KTM and KTM is pushing to win a US Supercross Championship. My objective will be to win whatever number races as could reasonably be expected and reliably complete on the platform to move in the direction of gaining that title.”

The 2014 Supercross Series will stamp Roczen’s first full-time bounce to the 450cc bicycle. Roczen has hustled the KTM 350 SX-F at select Supercross adjusts previously yet climbs to the 450 SX-F Factory Edition for the moving toward season, clarifying, “I’m extremely anticipating venturing up to the 450 in both Supercross and Motocross classes one year from now. I feel okay riding the greater bicycle. I know the opposition will be extreme however I will likely fight in advance every week. I’ve changed a great deal of things in my program so I can keep running in advance.”

Musquin will come back to the 250 SX class hustling the East Supercross Series. Musquin earned four wins amid the 2013 season and completed second place in the general point standings. For 2014, Musquin is more decided than any time in recent memory to gain the title, expressing, “My concentration is 100% to win the 250 SX title one year from now. In 2012, I completed the West Coast arrangement third and a year ago I verged on winning with the title being chosen at the last race of the season. I wound up second and now I won’t be unless I win it one year from now!”

Joining Musquin in the 250 SX class is newcomer Dean Ferris. The 23 year-old Australian dashed in the European MX GP Series the previous two seasons and balanced his 2013 season with a MX2 Series race win took after by a champion execution for Team Australia at the Motocross des Nations occasion in Germany. Ferris will challenge the 250 SX West Supercross Series took after by the 250cc Motocross Championship on board the KTM 250 SX-F.

“It’s dependably been my fantasy to race in the U.S and I’m extremely amped up for being given this open door with Red Bull KTM,” says Ferris. “I’m particularly amped up for finding the opportunity to gain from Roger DeCoster and work nearby Dungey, Roczen and Musquin. I have a considerable measure of figuring out how to do as such I couldn’t request a superior, more experienced gathering to direct me through my change into the US hustling circuit.”

Red Bull KTM Factory Team Manager, Roger DeCoster, communicated his energy about the group line-up, remarking, “With such a gifted gathering of riders; Ryan and Ken both challenging the 450 rivalry and Marvin joined by Dean in the 250 rivalry, I truly think 2014 will be an energizing year for KTM. Ryan and Ken have both rolled out a considerable measure of improvements to their own projects to place them in the most ideal place rationally and physically heading into the begin of Supercross season.”

He proceeded, “I’m extremely happy we could add a fourth rider to the squad. With Ken climbing, it’s useful for Marvin to have a partner to prepare nearby as he progresses in the direction of completing one better and winning the East Coast SX title. I was exceptionally inspired with Dean’s speed at the Motocross des Nations this year and I’m intrigued to perceive what he can do in the outside. Having just barely touched base in the US a month prior to the begin of the Supercross season, the up and coming arrangement will pretty much be a learning season for him with higher desires for 2015.”