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The occasions in Goiania, Brazil and Leon, Mexico at first booked on August 31 and September 7, separately, will now be keep running on September 7 and September 14.

01 March* QMMF Losail Qatar

09 March FMSCT Si Racha Thailand

30 March CBM Beto Carrero Brazil

13 April FMI Arco di Trento Italy

20 April Tba

04 May KNMV Valkenswaard Netherlands

11 May Tba

25 May ACU Matterley Basin Great Britain

01 June FFM St Jean d’Angely France

15 June FMI Maggiora Italy

22 June DMSB Teutschenthal Germany

06 July SVEMO Uddevalla Sweden

13 July SML Hyvinkää Finland

27 July ACCR Loket Czech Rep.

03 August FMB Tba Belgium

17 August FMU Dimitrov, Donetsk Ukraine

07 September CBM Goiania Brazil

14 September FMM Leon Mexico