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2016 Adelanto Grand Prix

The rough terrain cruiser dashing world met up for a standout amongst the most expected races of the year, the Adelanto Grand Prix. It’s abandon dashing, a touch of motocross and enduro-cross across the board. Forsake hustling takes an exceptional kind of rider. It requires ability, as well as a major combine to hold the throttle stuck completely open when your inside voice is instructing you to let off. In this kind of dashing, fifth rigging through leave slash in dust storms so figure you can’t see 5 ft before you while fighting 100 different riders is the thing that riders that race the Adelanto Grand Prix live for.

Marked as the opening round of the Big 6/AMA Dist.37, the Adelanto GP is one of the head forsake races in the nation. Drawing riders from everywhere throughout the western United States, Mexico and Canada, this two-day occasion didn’t baffle. The track gave riders a touch of everything, from the beginning on a black-top street to rapid abandon segments, to EnduroCross style area inside a baseball stadium and the scandalous mud bounce!

Adelanto GP 2016

Look at the end of the week from Adelanto, through video pro-Beau Cottington’s camera as he got all the activity on and off the track!